

Hi, I’m Courtney!

Registered Dietitian, Hormone Balance Expert and Founder of The Wellness Society.

It is my mission to help as many women as possible heal their hormones naturally, reclaim their cycle, and live symptom-free at any stage of life.

Together, we’ll find the answers you’ve been searching for and bring you back to balance & harmony with your body.


turn chaos into confidence

Thrive in your power to heal and learn to trust (and love) your body again.


Our Process

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Together, we’ll evaluate the results of your functional tests and labs. This will help us to identify root causes of your health concerns so we can create your unique path to healing.


Through practical nutrition & lifestyle strategies and targeted supplementation, you’ll receive the education and support you need to address your health issues and optimize your healing.


With my expertise and your dedication, you’re bound to see massive transformation and be empowered in your ability to feel WELL again - may that be through more energy, clear skin, better sleep, regular cycles and more.

Courtney was the first [provider] I’ve met who sympathized with me and told me I was not crazy and that all my symptoms were real. She recommended testing and confirmed my root cause. Courtney has been so dedicated, honest and compassionate since day one and I am forever thankful for her support, attention and care. I’ve never met anyone like her. Everyone needs a Courtney in their life!
— Danielle, client


The information contained on this website, and related content, is general in nature. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information here on in, and the products discussed, are for health maintenance and for educational purposes only. Nothing in the information provided is intended to replace conventional medical approaches.