Meet Courtney


PSA: We’re about to get REAL personal.

When I decided to stop taking my hormonal birth control (HBC) pill in December 2018, I had been taking it for more than half my life. Heavy, frequent menstrual periods and being doubled over in pain from cramps were no picnic for a 15-year-old girl. Before I go any further, let me also preface this by saying I am NOT anti-birth control. You do you, girl. There are certainly some benefits to taking HBC. It’s all about education and finding the right one for YOU. In a way, I grew up with HBC and now over a decade into a relationship and now marriage, I decided on my own terms that I don’t need it anymore. The only regret I have is what I didn’t know. I didn’t know about the side effects or risks to taking it, especially for so long, or what could happen when I decided it was no longer for me. I spent years dealing with mood swings, GI issues, low libido, painful sex, depression, poor energy. I had NO IDEA which of these were side effects of taking the pill or if there was anything I could do to support myself while taking it. And unfortunately, I was told by my medical providers that they had nothing to do with the pill.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Do you have to stop taking HCB if you’re experiencing any side effects like these? Nope. But, with the knowledge I have now, I can help you manage these side effects in a safe and effective way. We also need to support our bodies when we decide to stop taking HBC. I have your back with that, too.

In addition to growing up with HBC as the “superwoman” solution to teenage girl period problems, I also hit puberty when the “thin ideal” and fad diets were becoming all the rage. Social media hadn’t been invented yet (thank goodness for that), but there was still pressure to be felt from TV shows, movies, magazines, and of course, family members. My own body weight has shifted with each season of my life, and I am grateful that we are now in an era of food inclusivity and body liberation. It is just that… liberating. Our society is (finally) moving to a place where we can focus on the experience of eating rather than the food itself. Are some foods not going to agree with you? Absolutely. Might you have to tailor your diet to benefit the current state of your health? It’s possible. Does quality matter? Hell yes. We can honor all of this and make any necessary changes to support you, but we don’t need to develop some crazy food rule or label something as “bad.” Just like most things in life, you must find what works for you and what doesn’t. As human beings, we are not one-size-fits-all, right?

Are you still with me?

Maybe you don’t exactly relate or maybe you’re in a different season of life? That’s okay!

This is my story so far. Now, I want to hear yours.

What will it be like to work with me?

We’ll identify the root causes of your health struggles so you can see what your body has been communicating to you. Through individualized (and science-backed) nutrition and lifestyle practices and natural and herbal therapies, I will educate and empower you to reach your goals and feel confident in your ability to heal.

My years of experience and expertise, combined with my compassionate but practical approach, will leave you feeling empowered to get your health on track and to learn to trust (and love) your body again.

The female body is a source of power, elegance, strength, pleasure, just to name a few of its fabulous traits. Shouldn’t we help it thrive??

You’ll become the expert of your own healing.

Professional Credentials

Courtney Guarino, MS, RDN, LD

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics: Simmons University, Boston
Master of Science in Nutrition, Health Promotion & Entrepreneurship: Simmons University, Boston
Registered Dietitian: Commission on Dietetic Registration